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Read This: 3 Books to Improve Dementia Care

When I first started working in dementia care, I tried to absorb as much information as I could by attending continuing education courses, searching for current evidence, collaborating with my colleagues, listening to podcasts, and reading. I share 3 books that influenced my work as a dementia care partner and occupational therapist.

Certainly, this list only includes a small taste of the books that exist on the market. I chose to write about these books because I admire the authors and continuously reference their work.

Dementia Care Book #1:

Title: Sensory Modulation in Dementia Care: Assessment and Activities for Sensory-Enriched Care
Author: Tina Champagne, OTD, OTR/L, CCAP, FAOTA

Dr. Tina Champagne is an occupational therapist with extensive experience and research in mental health, trauma-informed care, and sensory modulation across the lifespan. Her work educates and inspires others to create sensory-friendly residential environments as one way to reduce the need for restraints.

In this book, Dr. Champagne shares her Sensory Modulation Program. She includes occupational therapy assessment tools and activity ideas for older adults with sensory differences.

Sensory Modulation in Dementia Care


Don’t have a great foundation in sensory processing and/or want to learn more? I encourage you to start with the following books (NOTE: although these resources are geared toward children, teenagers, and young adults, we know that sensory processing is lifelong. The concepts are important to adapt and apply across the lifespan in order to best support people of all ages with sensory differences):

  1. Sensational Kids by Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR
  2. No Longer a SECRET by Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR (in addition, a 2nd edition comes out August 2021)
  3. The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up by Carol Kranowitz, M.A.

Dementia Care Book #2:

Title: Talking Sense
Agnes Houston with Julie Christie

RELATED:  10 Tips for Responding to Distress in Dementia

It is important to listen to the experience of individuals living with dementia. This book written by Agnes Houston is an outstanding resource that shares examples of what it is like to live with sensory changes and dementia. What a gift from Agnes to us all. Thank you, Agnes!

Talking Sense is available as a FREE download. Additionally, there is a paperback version available for purchase.

Talking Sense eBook cover

Dementia Care Book #3:

Title: A Dementia Caregivers Guide to Care
Author: Dr. Macie Smith

Dr. Macie Smith is a Licensed Social Worker, Certified Social Work Case Manager, a Social Worker in Gerontology, and an outstanding educator. Dr. Smith wrote this book to share answers to some of the most frequently asked questions she receives about how to care for a person living with dementia.

Dr. Smith says caregivers are “the nation’s backbone to the long-term care system”. She strives to support family caregivers throughout their journey by sharing information in a relatable and engaging way.

A Dementia Caregiver's Guide to Care

What other books have you found helpful in your journey as a healthcare professional, family care partner, or adult living with dementia? Comment below!

Disclaimer: Although I am an occupational therapist and the information compiled is based on years of training and clinical experience, this is NOT a place for skilled therapeutic intervention.  The ideas presented on this website and in products are for informational/educational purposes only and are not medical advice.

A website does not replace an individualized plan of care developed as the result of assessment, clinical observation, and collaboration between therapist, client, and care partner(s). If you are concerned about the cognitive, sensory, or functional abilities of yourself or someone you know, then you should talk with your physician or your therapist.