Read This: 3 Books to Improve Dementia Care
When I first started working in dementia care, I tried to absorb as much information as I could by attending continuing education courses, searching for ...

Why Bother with Routines for Dementia Care?
Photo by Tim Samuel from Pexels Have you ever been startled by the sound of a smoke detector, fire truck siren, or your morning alarm ...

All Behavior is Communication
Photo by fotografierende from Pexels Dr. Ross Greene, a child psychologist, sends an important message that can be applied to people of all ages. He ...

Home Safety Checklist for Seniors: Sensory Edition
A majority of older Americans say they want to remain in their home as long as possible (). After all, home is a familiar place ...

10 Sensory Considerations in Dementia Care
Cover image from trashhand, Pexels Dementia involves more than memory changes. Dementia is a group of symptoms severe enough to interfere with a person’s daily ...

What Is Dementia Compared to Alzheimer’s?
The terms "dementia" and "Alzheimer's disease" are often talked about as if they mean the same thing. Dementia is not always Alzheimer's disease, but Alzheimer's ...

What Are the 8 Sensory Systems?
Our world is a sensory-rich place and humans are sensory-complex beings. Sensory systems process information from the outside environment (the sound of your name called) ...